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rough cut + audience feedback



- theres this intense starting music then it cuts to silence, it doesnt trasnsition smoothly

-rushed into it from the start, i wasnt ready for it 

-the flashes are interesting it makes it flow better

-the one black an white shot is vital, i love it

-gets messy at the end, too many things happeening at once

-there is no need to see lakeisha walking for like 10 years

-i like the addition of the lock, it fills in the gap betwen some shots, before it was empty

-director was spelt wrong 

-transitions seem more purposeful, not just random lights flashing

-shorter shots are easier to watch now

-two minutes is long i felt like was watching a short film

-music goes perfectly with what im visually seeing, it climaxes and calmes down at the right time

-why is there a lock there, bit random

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