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target audience

producers use audience profiling when creating their films - demographiics (which is a way of catagorising viewers of media)

some of the main facors they must consider are :

  • age

  • gender

  • religion

  • race

  • occupation

  • education

  • sexuality

  • income (annual and disposable)

the typical target audience for a thriller

  • the target audience of many pschological thrillers are 18+ 

  • this is because they include a lot of violence and a lot of pschological issues which may be disturbing for younger viewers and may not settle well with undeveloped/ uneducated minds

  • usually there are stickers on the back of dvds or on thriller posters to warn the auidence before hand

Target audiecne for our film

•Our movie would most likely be the most appealing to ages 16 – 20 roughly from our survey results , although saying that our movie could be watched by anyone older who interested in crime, mystery, something physiological that keeps you thinking throughout the entire film.

here i carried out a survey on our target audience to see what they would like in a thriller and how some of the teams ideas would settle well with the targetd audience - it went pretty well

this is gone girl, a example of a thriller which tends to a particular audience which is the audience who like subliminal messages, things that arent always as they seem, very methodical in the way this film is plotted out which tends to the need of e.g a reporter/ journalist who likes to figure out to the botton whats going on

on the other hand, compared to gone girl there is the thriller called se7en which is similar to the extent of mythodical thinking but it  is more for people intrested in true crime, as there is more gore (a serial killer) to it and revolves around two detectives and a killer rather than the pschological problems between a marriage of two characters

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